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48: JOYCES ALL IRELAND 36th Ridden Registered Connemara Performance Pony Championship Qualifier

EQUESTRIAN ➤ PONIES- SAT 29th JUNE 2024 Fri 20th Sep 2024

Rider must be 16 years and over on 01/01/2022.

Kindly sponsored by Joyce’s Supermarkets and Galway Irish Crystal

Rules for Joyces All Ireland 2022

1. Qualifying rounds will be held at designated shows.
2. Ponies 4 years old and over are eligible.
3. More than one pony in each qualifying class may be selected to compete in the final provided the judges agree that the standard is high enough and may qualify a second pony.
4. Judge of the day must sign the qualifying entry form(s)
5. Pony and / or Rider once qualified are not eligible to participate in subsequent qualifiers in the same category. This rule may be waived by the Show Committee in exceptional circumstances e.g. sale of a pony or injury of rider prior to final. Permission from the Oughterard Show Committee must be granted prior to any previously qualified pony or rider competing in subsequent qualifying rounds. Failure to do so will result in the entry not being accepted.
6. On completion of judging at qualifiers the successful qualifier will be given all relevant entry documentation by the ring steward. This must be completed and returned, along with the appropriate fee, to the secretary of Oughterard Show within 7 days - this rule will be strictly adhered to.
7. Ponies must be registered in a main Connemara Studbook. The Passport of each pony must be presented prior to judging at the qualifying show and on the day of the final.
8. The rider must be 16 years and over on 01/01/2022.
9. Jumping over rustic/ natural fences will be part of the qualifying rounds and final. Qualifying rounds require a minimum of 4 fences. Jumps at qualifiers should not exceed 90cm in height and 90cm in width. Entrants from shows who do not adhere to this rule will not be accepted.
10. The Final requires a minimum of 5 fences which will include a double. Fences must not exceed 1m in height and 1m in width.
11. Ponies to be ridden in a Plain Snaffle, Pelham or Double Bridle. Boots are allowed for the jumping phase only, and must be removed prior to the in-hand or Flat Sections. A running martingale is permitted in qualifiers and in the Final but spurs are prohibited. The same tack must be used in both phases.
12. A performance judge must be used at qualifying shows.
13. Ponies will be judged on type, confirmation, jumping technique, way of going and action in-hand.
14. Random Dope testing may be carried out on the day of the final.
15. Any objection must be lodged in writing with the show secretary within half an hour following the completion of the competition, together with €50 which is refundable if the objection is upheld.
16. Oughterard Show Committee, in consultation with the sponsor, reserves the right to amend the rules as may be deemed necessary.

* It is strongly advised by the Oughterard Show Society that all competitors
should wear a body protector. *

Qualifying Rosettes will be presented at the Final.

EQUESTRIAN - Opening Notes

Please note entries close on Thurs 20th June. All entries after this incur €10 extra per entry. Entry cut-off 24th June 10am. No late entries accepted after this.

Entry Fee:  
Prizes:   1st - €50.00 , 2nd - €40.00 , 3rd - €30.00
Class is currently closed for entry.